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- SEO Layered Navigation Enterprise for Magento 2
Magento 2 Enterprise version of our flagship layered navigation extension. Fully compatible with Enterprise Edition!
All the familiar features have been thoroughly reviewed and made enterprise-compatible:
- Search Engine Friendly (SEO) Layered Navigation, Paging, Sorting Links and Page Titles
- Multiple Select and Checkboxes for Magento Layered Navigation
- Responsive Mobile Layered Navigation
- Horizontal Layered Navigation (Positioning)
- Price Slider for Magento Layered Navigation
- Fully compatible with elasticsearch
- Fast AJAX refresh allowing customer to continue browsing while products are being refreshed
- Optional "Apply" button
- Limiting number of filter options being shown with either Show More/Show Less links or with scroll bar
- Category tree filter template
- Second level category tree filter template
- "Parent and children" category filter template
- Dropdown filter template
- Radio button filter template
This extension makes layered navigation more appealing and convenient to store customers, helps to rank filtered product list pages higher in search engines and allows to customize every aspect of layered navigation in Admin Panel.
Just after installation you will notice that price filter is shown as slider and all option-based filters are shown as checkboxes. You can pick visual template for each filter individually from list below:
- List of checkboxes
- List of color swatches
- Slider
- Dropdown
- List of radiobuttons
- Tree (category filter)
- 2-nd level tree (category filter)
- List of parent and child categories (category filter)
- List of text links
Extension is fully compatible with Enterprise Elasticsearch.
Extension is mobile-friendly, you can pick filters visible for mobile users. On desktop, you can position filters either in sidebar or above product list.
Extension makes layered navigation experience even more smooth by employing AJAX refresh technique:
- After filter is applied, page is not reloaded. Instead, AJAX indicator shows up and content is dynamically replaces while customer continues browsing.
- AJAX refresh is not intrusive - customer can pick more filter options while products are being loaded
- Optionally you can add "Apply" button so that customer picks several filter options and applies them all at once.
- AJAX refresh feature is thoroughly tested with standard Magento Page Cache to deliver best possible performance
Filtered pages are SEO friendly:
- Applied filters create SEO friendly URLs.
- Filtered pages have unique meta titles, meta descriptions and meta keyword lists.
- Starting from certain depth, filtered pages are not indexed and not followed by search engines.
- Filtered pages contain optimal canonical URL
All these and more features are configurable on filter and store level in Admin Panel. For example, you can turn off SEO friendly URLs for certain filters, remove certain filters from canonical URL or force no indexing of filters which are not significant from SEO.
Finally, extension code is of highest standard and follows best Magento 2 development practices:
- 100% Open source
- No core code changes
- Easy installation
- Developed by certified Magento developers
- Custom design-ready
- Localization-ready
If you don't use Magento 2 Enterprise Edition, consider SEO Layered Navigation Plus for Magento 2 instead.
If you have any questions feel free to contact us.