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- Rating and In Stock / Out Of Stock Filters for Layered Navigation
Creates layered navigation ready Rating and In Stock/Out Of Stock Attributes, tracks inventory and customer reviews and recalculates them as needed
Creates layered navigation ready Rating and In Stock/Out Of Stock Attributes, tracks inventory and customer reviews and recalculates them as needed
- Creates Rating and In Stock/Out Of Stock attributes
- When used with SEO Layered Navigation Plus, offers out-of-the-box rating star visualization in layered navigation
- Tracks inventory changes (product changes, sales and refunds) and updates In Stock/Out Of Stock attribute values in products accordingly
- Tracks approved customer reviews and updates Rating attribute in products accordingly
- Introduces new indexer to quickly recalculate these attributes according to the latest state
All of these features can be configured globally for the whole Magento installation and can be further tailored for each individual filter, for each store view.
Other features:
- No core code changes
- Easy installation
- 100% Open Source
- Custom design-ready
- Localization-ready
- Multistore ready
License is for one Magento installation and as many testing/development environments as you need
This extension works with standard Magento layered navigation. Still for certain features like rating start visualization in rating filter options, it is recommended to install Color and Image Picker for Layered Navigation or SEO Layered Navigation Plus before installing this extension.
In frontend and Admin Panel demo Color and Image Picker for Layered Navigation extension is also included which is sold separately and which is not part of this extension.
This extension is compatible with the Magento version 1.4.2 and later stable versions.
If you have any questions feel free to contact us
Customer Reviews
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Great plugin - Baring one fix for the responsive RWD theme
lawrencemh2 (Posted on 12/14/2016)
The default config file is designed for prior default magento templates and inserts the filters in the old left hand nav section. However, the RWD theme doesn't use this class anymore and uses the left hand nav with the class "col-left-first".
To get the filters to display in the correct block and work on mobile devices using the RWD theme copy the config xml file app/design/frontend/base/default/layout/mana_filters.xml to app/design/frontend/[your package]/[your theme]/layout/mana_filters.xml . You will need to replace all 4 occourances of <reference name="left"> to <reference name="left_first">. Then refresh the cache and the filters will work fine in mobile view.
You can see it working on universalav.co.uk/store/projector-screens/all-projector-screen (as a random category example). However, If you don't need mobile support the plugin will work by default on non-mobile devices without any issues.
The plugin provides great functionality none the less :)