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Configuring Horizontal Layered Navigation (Positioning)

This topic describes how to set up horizontal layered navigation only. We also recommend to read:


Feature Description

  • Different positions to show layered navigation

    Extension feature let to show up to 3 layered navigation blocks: main sidebar, block above product list and additional sidebar. Every block can have different set of filters:

    Layered Navigation Sidebars

  • Two ways to show layered navigation above products

    • Horizontal Laid Filters - filters are placed one by one horizontally. If main column is too narrow to show all filters, they will be arranged in two or even more lines:

    Layered Navigation Above Product as Horizontal Laid Filters

    • Drop Down Menu - filters are collapsed to drop down menu.

    Layered Navigation Above Product as Drop Down Menu

    This extension is especially useful for sites without sidebars. If products are displayed in full page width the ony place for layered navigation is above product list - and this extension is just for that.

Global Configuration

By Default Show Filters

It is possible to show up to 3 layered navigation blocks: main sidebar, block above product list and additional sidebar. Every block can have different set of filters.

Layered Navigation Sidebars

Possibility to show layered navigation in certain block is defined by page layout and configuration described below:

  • In Main Sidebar - layered navigation filters visibility on main sidebar
  • In Additional Sidebar - layered navigation filters visibility on additional sidebar
  • Above Products - layered navigation filters visibility above product list

Show Applied Filter

For every layered navigation block applied filters can be shown or hidden:

Layered Navigation Sidebars With Applied Filters

  • In Main Sidebar - applied filters visibility on main sidebar
  • In Additional Sidebar - applied filters visibility on additional sidebar
  • Above Products - applied filters visibility above product list

Filter Positioning

  • Show 'Above Products' Filters As. If layered navigation above product list is visible, it can be shown in two ways:

    • Horizontal Laid Filters - filters are placed one by one horizontally. If main column is too narrow to show all filters, they will be arranged in two or even more lines:

    Layered Navigation Above Product as Horizontal Laid Filters

    • Drop Down Menu - filters are collapsed to drop down menu.

    Layered Navigation Above Product as Drop Down Menu

  • Menu Popup Min Width - drop down filter popup minimal width. Value in pixels (only number).

  • Menu Popup Max Width - drop down filter popup maximum width. Value in pixels (only number).

After configuration change it is recommended to refresh Magento cache in SYSTEM -> Cache Management.

Filter Settings

All store filters are listed in MANADEV -> Filter Settings menu and every filter can be customized there individually.

Show Filters In Following Positions

Possibility to define if specific filter should be shown in different layered navigation blocks.

  • In Main Sidebar - filter visibility on main sidebar
  • In Additional Sidebar - filter visibility on additional sidebar
  • Above Products - filter visibility above product list

After configuration change it is recommended to refresh Magento cache in SYSTEM -> Cache Management.

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