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Fantastic extensions, support is second to none too than you Manadev.

Jan 20, 2014 RonnieSunshines ,

Certified Magento Enterprise developer Certified Magento developer Certified Magento theme developer Certified Magento specialist

Manadev is certified extension and theme
developer for Magento

Configuring Basic Features

This topic describes how to set up basic features only. We also recommend to read:


Feature Description

  • Multiple options can be selected in the same layered navigation filter

    Standard Magento layered navigation does not allow customer to select more than one option of the same filter.

    This extension feature allows customer to select several options. Customer also can see selected options and have possibility to clear selection.

  • Swatch as multiple select.

    Extension adds possibility to select more than one swatch element. In example below two options were selected for Size filter.

    Multiple options can be selected in the same layered navigation filter

Global Configuration

Section defines default templates for certain types of layered navigation filters.

Default Templates for Filters Based On

  • Dropdown and Multiple Select Attributes - default template for all filters, based on Multilple Select or Dropdown attribute types:

    • Multiple Select Text - one or few options of the same filter can be chosen:

      Multiple Select Text Template

  • Swatch Attributes - default template for all filters, based on swatch type attributes

    • Multiple Select Text - one or few options of the same filter can be chosen:

      Multiple Select Text Template

    • Swatches - one or few swatches can be selected.

      • Example for for Visual Swatch type of attributes:

      Visual Swatches Template

      • Example for for Text Swatch type of attributes:

      Text Swatches Template

  • Decimal Attributes of Price Type - default template for all filters, based on Price type attributes

    • Multiple Select Text - one or few options of the same filter can be chosen:

      Multiple Select Text Template

After configuration change it is recommended to refresh Magento cache in SYSTEM -> Cache Management.

Filter Settings

All store filters are listed in MANADEV -> Filter Settings menu and every filter can be customized there individually.

General Settings

  • Title - filter block label, which appears in layered navigation. If Use Attribute Label is checked, attribute label will be used.
  • Parameter Name - used to build URL. By default attribute name is used when filter is selected. Here how it looks for Color attribute:


    By setting the value of Parameter Name to main_color, URL will change to:


  • Position - filter position. Filters with lower position will be highest on the layered navigation

  • Template - how the filter will look like in layered navigation. Templates available for selection depends on underlying attribute Catalog Input Type for Store Owner value:

    • Multiple Select Text. For Multilple Select, Dropdown or Price type of attributes - one or few options of the same filter can be chosen:

      Multiple Select Text Template Multiple Select Text Template

    • Swatches - one or few swatches can be selected:

      • Example for for Visual Swatch type of attributes:

      Visual Swatches Template

      • Example for for Text Swatch type of attributes:

      Text Swatches Template

Show On the Following Page Types

  • On Category Pages show or hide filter block in layered navigation on category pages. This parameter overrides Use In Layered Navigation value, which is set for attribute.
    • Yes - filter is shown in category layered navigation
    • No - filter is not shown in category layered navigation
  • On Quick Search Page - show or hide filter block in layered navigation on quick search pages. This parameter overrides Use in Search Results Layered Navigation value, which is set for attribute.
    • Yes - filter is shown in layered navigation on quick search page
    • No - filter is not shown in layered navigation on quick search page

Template Settings

  • Hide Options Having No Products
    • Yes - only options with at least one product will be shown in the layered navigation filter
    • No - all options will be shown in the layered navigation filter, even no products are available now for specific option
  • Use Logical AND - the way of retrieving products, if several options of the same filter are selected.

    • Yes - options are combined using logical AND operation.

      For example, consider Suitable For filter for Sneakers category with values Running, Basketball, Soccer, ...

      Such filter is a good candidate for using logical AND as the customer would like to pick sneakers suitable both for running AND basketball, not either of these.

    • No - options are combined using logical OR operation

      This is default option. If it is selected, and, if you apply several options of the same filter, for instance Color: Red, Color: Green, you will see products having green OR red color.

After configuration change it is recommended to refresh Magento cache in SYSTEM -> Cache Management.

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