and allow you to combine 2 attributes in one slider - Min/Max slider.
It is useful if you have products with attribute falling under some range, like width from to or weight from to etc. Then you can create 2 attributes like min_weight and max_weight and combine both in one slider of type Min/Max slider.
After creating 2 price type attributes go to MANADEV->Layered navigation Menu and open the one which is going to play Minimum role in the slider or in other words - left range of slider. Set Display option to Min/Max slider and Role in Min/Max Slider set to Minimum value. Save it.
Then open the attribute which is going to play Max role in the slider and set Display option to Min/Max slider and Role in Min/Max Slider set to Maximum value and in Minimum Value Attribute dropdown pair it with Minimum role playing attribute. Save it.
That's it!
matjaz mohoric
posted on Thursday, April 23, 2015 11:40:32 PM Europe/Vilnius