Starting from version of SEO Layered Navigation Plus and Layered Navigation Positioning extensions, you can easily hide or show individual filters in certain categories. Here is how:
- Open category in which you'd like to hide certain filter.
- Go to "Custom Design" tab.
- In "Custom Layout Update" field, add:
<reference name="mana.catalog.above_products.nav">
<action method="setData">
</reference> - Instead of above_products.nav, you may use leftnav or rightnav (to specify in which layered navigation you intend to do the change).
- Instead of hide, you may write show (to force showing a filter in this category even if it is hidden in all the other categories).
- Instead of attribute_code write color, price, category, screen_size etc. (attribute code). You can also write all_filters to hide or show all filters.
- Save category.
- NOTE. Filter still won‘t show up if there is no products having that attribute.
- NOTE. By default Magento applies layout updates to subcategories. If you'd like NOT to hide filters in subcategories - open each subcategory and set Custom Design -> Use Parent Category Settings to "No". Please also note that in such cases, if you apply a category filter in parent category, then "Custom Layout Update" field will still be used from parent category.
Andreas Maucher
posted on Friday, April 27, 2012 10:32:31 AM Europe/Vilnius