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How To Configure Slider For Two Units Of Measurement

Two number format can be used to set up scale of different units of measurement, for example, to have length slider from 1 cm to 10 m or capacity from 256 GB to 2 TB.

Capacity Slider

To set up capacity slider which will show values in GB and TB like in example above, take the following steps:

  1. Capacity attribute, should be described as Price input type.

    Go to menu STORIES -> Product -> [attribute] and check if attribute is of Price type:

    Price Type Attribute

  2. Capacity attribute value for product should be set in smaller unit of measurement (GB).

    Go to menu Catalog -> Manage Products -> [product] and set up the value for Capacityattribute. For 2 TB HDD, 2000 should be indicated as capacity attribute value:

    Attribute Value Is Set In Smaller Units

  3. For Capacity layered navigation filter, first number format should be 0 GB, second - 0 TB. Multiplier between two units of measurement is 1000.

    Go to menu MANAdev -> Layered Navigation -> [filter] and set up slider number formats:

    Two Number Format Filter Configuration

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