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Fantastic extensions, support is second to none too than you Manadev.

Jan 20, 2014 RonnieSunshines ,

Certified Magento Enterprise developer Certified Magento developer Certified Magento theme developer Certified Magento specialist

Manadev is certified extension and theme
developer for Magento

Configuring Responsive Mobile Layered Navigation

This topic describes how to set up checkbox feature only. We also recommend to read:


Feature Description

  • Layered navigation as accordion responsive menu on mobile devices

    Responsive Mobile Layered Navigation

  • User Interactions With Mobile Layered Navigation

    Mobile Layered Navigation User Interactions

Global Configuration

By Default Show Filters

  • On Mobile Devices - default setting for filter visibility on mobile devices. Can be changed for specific filter. For example all filters can be hidden except of several important ones. Or, opposite, all filters can be visible except specific several hidden ones.
    • Yes - by default, filters will be visible on mobile devices
    • No - by default, filters will be hidden on mobile devices

Mobile Layered Navigation

  • Enable Mobile Layered Navigation On Body Width - value in pixels. If page body width is less or equal this number of pixels, mobile layered navigation block will be shown instead of normal layered navigation. Leave empty to disable mobile layout feature. Note that mobile layout may require theme-related CSS changes.

  • Behavior . How mobile layered navigation block reacts on user taps:

    • Accordion: one filter expanded at at time - when user taps on another filter, previously opened filter is closed.
    • Initially collapsed, expanded manually - user can expand as much filters, as he wants, but they are collapsed initially
    • Initially expanded, collapsed manually - all filters are expanded initially, user can close filters if he wants one by one manually.
  • Whole Block Is. Layered navigation on mobile devices block can be

    • Initially collapsed
    • Initially expanded
  • Animation Duration - Speed of sliding effect in milliseconds.

After configuration change it is recommended to refresh Magento cache in SYSTEM -> Cache Management.

Filter Settings

All store filters are listed in MANADEV -> Filter Settings menu and every filter can be customized there individually.

Show Filters In Following Positions

  • On Mobile Devices - specific filter visibility on mobile devices
    • Yes - the filter will be visible on mobile devices
    • No - the filter will be hidden on mobile devices

After configuration change it is recommended to refresh Magento cache in SYSTEM -> Cache Management.

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