Important. We are closed. Due to decreased amount of time available, we don't accept new orders and we don't provide support for existing ones.

Amazing Support!
The team behind the extension is probably the best magento certified developers out there, who will simply solve any problem - respo ... Read more

Jan 15, 2015 Dr George A.

Certified Magento Enterprise developer Certified Magento developer Certified Magento theme developer Certified Magento specialist

Manadev is certified extension and theme
developer for Magento

Extension and Feature Management

Admin Panel Menu

  • In order to access extension settings, pick up MANADEV menu on the left sidebar.

  • To manage installed MANAdev extensions and features, go to Installed MANAdev Extensions menu:

    Admin Panel Menu

Installed MANAdev Extensions

In this page you can:

  • view the list and statuses of installed MANAdev extensions and extension features
  • enable MANAdev extension or disable it globally or for selected website/store
  • enable or disable extension features globally or for selected website or store
  • check if newer extension version is available

    MANAdev Extension Management

Store View

If you have several websites and stores for the same Magento instance, you have possibility to choose which extension(s) or specific extension features are enabled for every level:

You can view and manage extension statuses globally - for all websites and stores. In this case select All Store Views in Store View drop down menu.

Extensions and features can be enabled or disabled for specific websites or stores. To do this first select store or website in Store View drop down menu.

Enable or Disable Extension or Extension Feature

To enable or disable extension or extension feature choose proper Status column value.

Sometimes instead of extension uninstalling it is enough just to disable it. This is especially useful if different store views requires different confiiguration of installed Magento extensions.

After configuration change it is recommended to refresh Magento cache in SYSTEM -> Cache Management.

Check For Updates

Easy way to check if newest MANAdev extension versions exists. Just press the button Check for updates. If new version exists, login to your MANdev account and download new version.

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