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All my support questions where answered promptly. Support is excellent. I would definitely recommend to use the extensions of manadev.

Feb 24, 2015 petjez

Certified Magento Enterprise developer Certified Magento developer Certified Magento theme developer Certified Magento specialist

Manadev is certified extension and theme
developer for Magento

How To Configure Min/Max Slider

It is useful if you have products with attribute falling under some range, like width from to or weight from to etc.

Minimum and maximum slider

  1. You can create two Price type attributes like min_weight and max_weight and combine both in one slider of type Min/Max slider.

    MIN_WEIGHT attribute

    MAX_WEIGHT attribute

  2. Go to menu MANADEV -> Filter Settings on the left sidebar and open the one which is going to play Minimum role in the slider or in other words - left range of slider. Set template to Min/Max Slider and Role in Min/Max Slider set to Minimum Value. Save it.

    Min weight filter

  3. Then open the attribute which is going to play Maximum role in the slider and set template to Min/Max Slider and Role in Min/Max Slider set to Maximum Value and in Minimum Value Attribute dropdown pair it with Minimum role playing attribute. Save it.

    Max weight filter

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