Uninstalling the Extension
These instructions assume that you only have installed the extension Layered Navigation (Filters) with Multiple Select for Magento 2 and no other MANADev Magento 2 extension.
Delete folder
Delete the file
(Optional but recommended) Drop the tables: “mana_extension”, “mana_filter”, and “mana_filter_edit”. You can do that by executing the following queries.
SET @@foreign_key_checks = 0; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS mana_config_history; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS mana_extension; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS mana_filter; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS mana_filter_edit; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS mana_url_key; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS mana_url_key_conflict_resolution; SET @@foreign_key_checks = 1; DELETE FROM setup_module WHERE module LIKE 'Manadev_%';
Execute the command
php bin/magento setup:upgrade