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Aug 22, 2012 Absolutex

Certified Magento Enterprise developer Certified Magento developer Certified Magento theme developer Certified Magento specialist

Manadev is certified extension and theme
developer for Magento

How It Works

Extension lets to create multiple listings from single product, providing several inventory control algorithms.

If you want to list the same item on many marketplaces like eBay or Amazon, this extension is a must!

How It Works?

You may have backend ERP or WMS system, connected to Magento store. You want to distribute items through multiple external marketplaces (like Amazon and eBay), even list the same product under multiple items of the same marketplace. Finally, all sold or reserved quantities should be loaded back from marketplaces to Magento and ERP/WMS:

System Integration

Main Use Case

The most often use case is to create one or many virtual copies of the same original product and list each item on every marketplace. Extension will take care of recalculating stock and reserved quantity of connected products.

You have 100 stock quantity of specific item in your warehouse. You want to start selling this item on your own website, on eBay and Amazon, having two different listings with own ASINs in Amazon. You describe the product only once in Magento backend, setting quantity to 100, Then you clone the product three times and include newly created products to eBay and Amazon listings.

Distribute Products

When Amazon sells 10 ASIN X items, the new stock quantity is recalculated and populated to all connected products.


This is very convenient when sale process is slow enough, but can raise out of stock situation.

Secondary Use Case

If you need, extension proposes precise control over inventory level as well. There are several algorithms how to avoid out of stock situation - to recalculate quantity of specific product according to percentage, part or exact quantity.

For example, you want to split stock quantity over all selling places like this:

Distribute Products

You can choose sold quantity to be distributed proportionally:


When stock runs low, replenish. Whenever physycal inventory stock level changes, internal and external quantities get updated



  • Quick and easy product cloning for each marketplace, possibility to link existing products for quantity tracking.
  • Convenient setup of rules how physical inventory stock level is distributed across marketplace items.
  • Automated redistribution of physical quantity to marketplace items on each sale, return or replenishment.
  • Automated control of out-of-stock condition.
  • Batch operations fully supported
  • Easily integrated with import-export engines.
  • No core code changes
  • Easy installation

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