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Variable Reference



Default output value of current filter-specific template:

  • in description.phtml, this variable equals original page description;
  • in meta_keywords.phtml, this variable equals original page meta keywords;
  • and so on.


Array of all currently applied filter items. All entries in this array are of FilterData class.

FilterData Class

This class is defined in Manadev/LayeredNavigationSeo/Data/FilterData.php file.


  • filter - model object loaded from mana_filter database table. For more information, check definition on mana_filter table.
  • filter_name - internal filter name. For attribute-based filters it is attribute code.
  • filter_title - visual filter title as seen in applied filter list in store frontend.
  • item - array representing one applied item. The following array key may be of interest:
    • 'value' - internal filter value. In case of dropdown filter item, it is attribute option ID.
  • item_label - filter item label as seen in applied filter list in store frontend.
  • included - true if filter is included, false if excluded. Excluded filter items are omitted by $this->filters()->allIncluded() and $this->filters()->countIncluded() methods and are typically not added to meta attributes after original value. For more information, see Excluded Filters.

Excluded Filters

Excluded filter items are omitted by $this->filters()->allIncluded() and $this->filters()->countIncluded() methods and are typically not added to meta attributes after original value. By default, meta_title.phtml template contains the following code:

$filterCount = $this->filters()->countIncluded();
foreach ($this->filters()->allIncluded() as $index => $filter) {
    if ($index == 0) {
        echo __(": ");
    elseif ($index < $filterCount - 1) {
        echo __(", ");
    else {
        echo __(" and ");

    echo $filter->item_label;

This code iterates through all filter items which are not excluded and adds them to meta title. Similar logic can be found in default meta_description.phtml and meta_keywords.phtml.

Filter items can be excluded in 2 ways:

  • in Admin Panel by setting Manadev->Filter Settings->Edit [some filter]->SEO Settings->Include In Meta Title = No. This setting excludes all filter values in meta_title.phtml template. Include In Meta Description = No and Include In Meta Keywords = No excludes filter in meta_description.phtml and meta_keywords.phtml.

  • You can exclude whole filter or individual filter value in customized template:

    // the following line marks all applied items of `activity` filter as excluded
    // the following line marks only "activity=Gym" applied item as excluded


Search term on quick search page.


Internal route name of current page type:

  • catalog/category/view means category page.
  • catalogsearch/result/index means quick search page.
  • cms/page/view means CMS page (but not home page).
  • cms/index/index means CMS home page.


Array of route parameters. On category and CMS pages id parameter contains ID of current category or CMS page.


Array of query parameters. Query parameters conmally contains unprocessed array of applied filters and applied product list toolbar preferences.


Current product list toolbar page number.


Current product list toolbar sort order setting.


Current product list toolbar sort direction.


Current product list toolbar mode.


Current product list toolbar number of products per page.

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