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How To Add Special Filter to Layered Navigation

If Shop by Special Price, Catalog Price Rules, New Arrivals, Attribute Option, Bestseller extension is used together with SEO Layered Navigation Plus extension, you can have additional possibility to use special filters based on special price or catalog price rules in Layered Navigation:

For example, it is possible to show Special Price checkbox in price slider. When checked this checkbox will allow to slide prices only for products with special prices: Special Filter in Layered Navigation

In order to create this special filter go to menu MANAdev -> Special Filters, Pages and Tags in Magento Admin Panel and press Create button.

Special Filters, Pages and Tags

Example of Special Price filter:

Special Price Filter

  • Title - special filter option title, visible in Layered Navigation.
  • URL key - URL key used by SEO engine
  • Position - filter position
  • Condition - it is possible to enter one or several XML instructions:
    • <special_price /> shows products with active special price as specified in product settings
    • <promo /> shows products for which at least one promotion rule from Promotions->Catalog Price Rules is applicable. It checks only rules which are active and applicable to current customer‘s group.
    • <promo id="9" /> shows products selected by promotion rules from Promotions->Catalog Price Rules with specified ID.
    • You can also combine these rules with , and logical operations as shown below:
        <special_price />
        <promo />
  • Add as an Option to Filter - Layered Navigation Filter to which special option will be applied. You can add these special filters to any filter except category filter.

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