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Global Configuration

Global Configuration (MANAdev -> Global Configuration ->Attribute and Option Pages)

Global Configuration

MANADEV -> Global Configuration -> Attribute and Option Pages

In order to access global configuration, go to menu MANAdev -> Global Configuration -> Attribute and Option Pages in Magento Admin Panel.

Shop By Brand Attribute Splash Pages Global Configuration

Top Menu

Section defines how attribute and option pages are shown in top menu.

HINT: After parameter is changed, sometime it is reasonable to clear up system cache. In order to do it, open menu System -> Cache Management in Magento Admin Panel. In Cache Storage Management page select all cache types, choose Refresh from the drop-down menu, and submit the action. Disabled cache types do not need to be refreshed.

  • Add Attribute and Option Pages - adds active attribute and option pages to top menu. This only works with standard Magento menu.

    • Yes - attribute and option pages appears in top menu.

    Attribute and option pages are added to top menu

    • No - attribute and option pages are not visible in top menu.
  • Sort Attribute Pages By - sorts attribute pages in top menu, if more than one attribute page is set up for showing in top menu.

    Several Attribute Pages In Top Menu

    • Position, Ascending - attribute pages are sorted by attribute page position in ascending order.

    • Position, Descending - attribute pages are sorted by attribute page position in descending order.

    • Title, Ascending - attribute pages are sorted by attribute title in ascending order.

    • Title, Descending - attribute pages are sorted by attribute title in descending order.

  • Sort Option Pages By - sorts option pages within every attribute page menu.

    Option Page Sorting in Top Menu

    • Position, Ascending - option pages are sorted by option page position in ascending order.

    • Position, Descending - option pages are sorted by option page position in descending order.

    • Title, Ascending - option pages are sorted by option page title in ascending order.

    • Title, Descending - option pages are sorted by option page title in descending order.

  • Maximum Number of Option Pages in One Menu - limits number of option pages in attribute page menu.

  • Add Link to All Option Pages - defines when to show `Show All' link which will navigate customer to attribute page with all option pages.

    "Show All" Link in Top Menu

    • Never - Show All link will never be shown for any attribute page menu.

    • Always - always adds Show All link to any attribute page menu.

    • If reached maximum number of menu links - link Show All will appear in attribute page menu, only if number of option pages is greater than value of previous parameter Maximum Number of Option Pages in One Menu.

  • Add Only Non-Empty Option Pages - defines if to show option page menu link, if option page has no products

    • Yes - only option pages with products will be shown as menu items.

    • No - all option pages will be shown as menu items, even if option page has no products.

Attribute Page Titles

  • Template - template for attribute page title. Can be modified later for every attribute page. Allowed variable is {{attribute_labels}} which adds labels of all selected attributes separated as specified below.

  • Separated By - If attribute page is based on more than one attribute, attributes page title can contain a list of attribute labels which are separated by this separator.

  • Last Label Separated By - if not empty, last attribute label is separated by this separator.

Option Page Titles

  • Template - template for option page title. Can be modified later for every option page. Allowed variable is {{option_labels}} which adds labels of all selected options separated as specified below.

  • Separated By - If attribute page is based on more than one attribute, option page title can contain a list of option labels which separated by this separator.

  • Last Label Separated By - if not empty, last option label is separated by this separator.

Attribute Page Settings

  • Digit Label - a special character, representing a group of options, which stars from a digit. Default value is #.

  • Template - layout of attribute page can be set to one of possible templates:

    • Template 1

    "Attribute Page Template 1

    • Template 2

    "Attribute Page Template 2

  • Option Page Label Width - option page label width in pixels. This setting is only applied when Template 2 is used.

  • Option Page Label Height - option page label height in pixels. This setting is only applied when Template 2 is used.

Search Engine Optimization

  • Option Page URL Suffix - common suffix, which will be added to the end of all option page URLs.

  • Attribute Page URL Suffix - common suffix, which will be added to the end of all attribute page URLs.

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