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Fantastic extensions, support is second to none too than you Manadev.

Jan 20, 2014 RonnieSunshines ,

Certified Magento Enterprise developer Certified Magento developer Certified Magento theme developer Certified Magento specialist

Manadev is certified extension and theme
developer for Magento

Extension Features

Main features

Visitors will have a possibility to access fully automated SEO friendly landing pages based on brand, manufacturer, artists, any other attribute or, even, combination of several attributes.

  • Creation of landing pages for all attribute options is done with few clicks!
  • Once created, all option pages (read: brand landing pages) appear in frontend. Immediately!
  • An attribute page (e.g. Shop By Brand) is also created allowing fast search for specific brand.
  • Links to attribute and option pages appear in top menu (may require customization for custom themes).
  • Attribute and option pages create user friendly and SEO friendly breadcrumbs.
  • Everything important for search engines is autogenerated and easily editable: headings, descriptions, page title, meta keywords, meta description.
  • Option pages (read: brand landing pages) shows list of all products.
  • This extension is integrated with our famous best-of-breed layered navigation extension: SEO Layered Navigation Plus
  • You can easily change number of columns on a page, set custom color theme or add custom content blocks anywhere on attribute and option pages
  • It is easy to set smart default settings for all option pages and only customize specific option page if necessary.
  • You can further customize global attribute and option page settings for each store.

What Is Attribute Page?

Attribute Page is a landing page, which can be built based on attribute like Brand, Manufacturer, Artist or, even, combination of several attributes.

When new option is created for an attribute, which is basis for related attribute page, same time option page appears in frontend with default settings together with a link to it on attribute page: Shop By Brand Attribute Splash Pages - Attribute Page Layout

Attribute page contains:

  • Grouped list of all options which is automatically updated based on attribute option list. For example, if attribute page is based on Brand attribute, then Shop by Brand attribute page will contain a list of all existing brands
  • Attribute page together with options can be included to top menu
  • Attribute page has own configurable title, image and description
  • For better promotion, some of the option images can be placed to featured image block
  • Attribute page also contains alphabetic search - a block of first characters of options - for example brand names

What Is Option Page?

Option Page is a category-like landing page based on attribute option or combination of several attribute options:

Shop By Brand Attribute Splash Pages - Option Page Layout

Option page contains:

  • Option page contains product list, which is automatically updated when specific option is selected for a product.
  • Option page has own configurable title, image and description

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