Important. We are closed. Due to decreased amount of time available, we don't accept new orders and we don't provide support for existing ones.

- MANADEV is the best, excellent support (5-Star)

Aug 22, 2012 Absolutex

Certified Magento Enterprise developer Certified Magento developer Certified Magento theme developer Certified Magento specialist

Manadev is certified extension and theme
developer for Magento

Theme - BuyShop

Below are fixes needed. This is no guarantee solution, as you may have some even newer or modified version of theme.

In case solution doesn't work for you „Professional extension installation“ services will be required, so our developer would fix it all for you.

  1. Some customizations made for 1.9 standard rwd theme were useful for buyshop theme too, so these files should be copied from app/design/frontend/rwd/default:

  2. Disable the module which has overlapping functionality and interferes with the extension by adding _ to file extension:

  3. Modify files below as specified in this ZIP file. All changes are marked with comments MANADEV begin and MANADEV end:

    app/design/frontend/buyshop/default/layout/local.xml (standard layered navigation turned off,custom price slider turned off)
    js/etheme/buyshop/custom.js (reinitialization of theme scripts after AJAX)
    js/VS/addtocart.js  (reinitialization of theme scripts after AJAX)
  4. Change the following settings:

    1. MANAdev->Global Configuration->General->JS Libraries in Store Frontend->jQuery = Do not load.
    2. MANAdev->Global Configuration->Layered Navigation->FilterPositioning->Show Applied Filters Above Products = Yes, Show All Filters Applied On Whole Page.
    3. MANAdev->Global Configuration->Layered Navigation->Mobile Layered Navigation->Hide If Body Width Is More Or Equal To = 751.
    4. MANAdev->Global Configuration->Layered Navigation->Mobile Layered Navigation->Left and Right Column Filters = Move to mobile layered navigation.

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