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Jan 15, 2015 Dr George A.

Certified Magento Enterprise developer Certified Magento developer Certified Magento theme developer Certified Magento specialist

Manadev is certified extension and theme
developer for Magento

Theme - Blacknwhite

Below are fixes needed. This is no guarantee solution, as you may have some even newer or modified version of theme.

In case solution doesn't work for you „Professional extension installation“ services will be required, so our developer would fix it all for you.

  1. Disable second Layered Navigation on quick search page in /app/design/frontend/blacknwhite/default/layout/local.xml

  2. Magehous Slider breaks our AJAX, it needs to be disabled.

  3. Menu issue fix - copy /app/design/frontend/base/default/layout/manapro_filterajax3.xml to /app/design/frontend/blacknwhite/default/layout/manapro_filterajax3.xml. Then open to edit it and comment out:

    <!--<reference name="">
            <action method="setMClientSideBlock"><params><type>Mana/Core/Block</type></params></action>
  4. Check and fix (if any) jQuery conflicts.

    jQuery coming with our extension can be recognized on page source as <script> ... /js/jquery/jquery.min.js"></script>

    It can be disabled in MANAdev -> Global Configuration -> General -> [JavaScript Libraries for Store Frontend].

    Make sure the only jQuery left on the page is included above js/mana/core.js.

  5. Block title style changes after ajax, those lines are added with javascript in the theme, so after ajax this script which draws the lines should be reinitialized like this:

    jQuery(document).bind('m-ajax-after', function (e, selectors, url, action) {
            // reinitialize your script 

    If theme developers are providing good support, then you may send this instruction, so they would add all theme scripts which are loaded on page refresh and need to be reinitialized on AJAX refresh.

  6. If there is Strategery infinite scroll extension which is totally not compatible (not sure if it comes with theme), it needs to be disabled

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