Extension - Mirasvit Search Index
There is incompatibility with Mirasvit_SearchIndex extension
. To fix it you have to edit 2 files:
app/design/frontend/[YOUR PACKAGE]/[YOUR THEME]/layout/catalogsearch.xml
- find and comment out everything inside<reference name="content">
as shown below:<catalogsearch_result_index> ... <reference name="content"> COMMENT EVERYTHING IN IT </reference> </catalogsearch_result_index>
Under the hood Mirasvit extension removes all that anyway, just in a way which is not compatible with AJAX refresh.
– make sure that this module loads before our module by adding<Mana_Filters>
element as shown below:<modules> <Mirasvit_SearchIndex> <active>true</active> <codePool>local</codePool> </Mirasvit_SearchIndex> <Mana_Filters> <depends> <Mirasvit_SearchIndex /> </depends> </Mana_Filters> </modules>