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Error - The Attribute Model Is Not Defined


Getting following errors on quick search or category pages:

  • The attribute model is not defined


  • Call to a member function init() on a non-object in /home/*****/public_html/app/code/local/Mana/Filters/Block/View.php on line 86/87


Underlying reason of the issue might happen, if attribute is deleted directly in DB, not in Magento admin panel. There is additional code which handles attribute deletions which is called on admin panels "Delete attribute" action and it is not called when deleted in DB.

To detect it, run the following query in phpMyAdmin:

FROM m_filter2_store
WHERE NOT EXISTS (SELECT * FROM m_filter2 WHERE = m_filter2_store.global_id)

To fix it, run the following query in phpMyAdmin:

FROM m_filter2_store
WHERE NOT EXISTS (SELECT * FROM m_filter2 WHERE = m_filter2_store.global_id)

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