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Jan 15, 2015 Dr George A.

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Error - Irrelevant Options Are Showing On Category Page


We have noticed that there are some irrelevant options/labels are showing on category page. Actually they are not created under that attribute


Most probably these values are in your Magento database. You can check it like this:

  1. In Manadev->Layered Navigation->Collection attribute change display type to “Colors and Images”
  2. New tab for colors will appear on the left, go there and see what option values are, if those all which you see in frontend, it means these options are in your database.

We are stoing filter options in

  • m_filter2_value and
  • m_filter2_value_store

tables, which take records from standard Magento tables for attribute options:

  • eav_attribute_option
  • eav_attribute_option_label

Your can also check, if database contain incorrect records, which provides inconsistent layered navigation options. You should clear the database from incorrect records and reindex all indexes. Below is the example of incorrect record:

SELECT * FROM `catalog_product_entity_int` AS eav
WHERE `eav`.`attribute_id` = '249'
  AND eav.entity_id = 30950
value_id entity_type_id attribute_id store_id entity_id value
199373 4 249 0 30950 230

Here to product with ID 30950 and attribute with ID 249 (attribute_code "women_collection") value 230 is assigned (which is "Black").

You should clear this table (and maybe other tables in catalog_product_entity_ namespace) from such incorrect records where value is used from other attribute that is specified.

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