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1. 404 Error

Clear Magento cache and indexes,logout from the admin and then login again.

2. Database Error

This can occur due to improper installation of extension.

  • Uninstall the half-installed database tables.
  • Run the below script.

Uninstallation Script for database tables:

DELETE FROM `eav_entity_type` WHERE `entity_type_code` = 'm_filter';
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `m_filter_int`;
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `m_filter_varchar`;
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `m_filter_datetime`;
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `m_filter_decimal`;
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `m_filter_text`;
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `m_attribute`;
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `m_filter2_value_store`;
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `m_filter2_value`;
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `m_filter2_store`;
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `m_seo_url_history`;
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `m_seo_url_conflict`;
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `m_seo_schema_store_flat`;
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `m_seo_schema_store`;
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `m_seo_schema_flat`;
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `m_seo_schema`;
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `m_edit_session`;
DELETE FROM `core_resource` WHERE `code` = 'mana_core_setup';
DELETE FROM `core_resource` WHERE `code` = 'mana_db_setup';
DELETE FROM `core_resource` WHERE `code` = 'mana_seo_setup';
DELETE FROM `core_resource` WHERE `code` = 'mana_filters_setup';
DELETE FROM `core_resource` WHERE `code` = 'manapro_filtershowmore_setup';
DELETE FROM `core_resource` WHERE `code` = 'manapro_filtersuperslider_setup';
DELETE FROM `core_resource` WHERE `code` = 'manapro_filtercolors_setup';
DELETE FROM `core_resource` WHERE `code` = 'manapro_filterexpandcollapse_setup';
DELETE FROM `core_resource` WHERE `code` = 'manapro_filterhelp_setup';
DELETE FROM `core_resource` WHERE `code` = 'manapro_filterpositioning_setup';
DELETE FROM `core_resource` WHERE `code` = 'manapro_filterseolinks_setup';
  • Clear the cache and indexes.
  • Start with afresh extension installation.

3. File Permissions

Sometimes,it happens that due to insufficient file permissions all files and folders are not installed in magneto.So first make sure that all files permissions are set to 644 and folders to 755(though 777 is required in some cases,but is not recommended).

4. Re-indexing Issue

MANAdev extension have some of its own indexes.If you face any re-indexing issues,as PHP script execution time limit is too low,do run it through shell.

Steps to run indexes from Shell:

  1. Open shell (viz via SSH)
  2. Run the following commands.

    cd [root Magento directory]
    php shell/indexer.php --reindex mana_db_replicator
    php shell/indexer.php --reindex mana_db
    php shell/indexer.php --reindex mana_seo_url
    php shell/indexer.php --reindex mana_attribute_page
    php shell/indexer.php --reindex mana_option_page

The following command will re-index everything including our extension indexes:

php shell/indexer.php --reindex

You can also re-index one by one with the following command:

php shell/indexer.php --reindex <indexer_code>

To get indexer codes, run the following command:

php shell/indexer.php info

5. Quick Search Issue

Call to a member function init() on a non-object in /home/*****/public_html/app/code/local/Mana/Filters/Block/View.php on line 86/87

Underlying reason of the issue:

When you delete the attribute from Catalog->Attribute->Manage Attributes or mark not to be used in layered navigation, somehow filter settings stored by our extension was not deleted and it was the cause of the issue.

To detect it, run the following query in phpMyAdmin:

FROM m_filter2_store
WHERE NOT EXISTS (SELECT * FROM m_filter2 WHERE = m_filter2_store.global_id)

To fix it, run the following query in phpMyAdmin:

FROM m_filter2_store
WHERE NOT EXISTS (SELECT * FROM m_filter2 WHERE = m_filter2_store.global_id)

6. Configurable products issue

Question: If we filter products with specific sizes, there come products where the size is out of stock:

Unfortunately, Magento standard Layered Navigation indeed has this issue (in implementation of „Product Attributes“ index) and our extension inherits this functionality as under the hood it uses the same index.

Here are the details about how Magento „Product Attributes“ index works:

  1. Grouped product is considered black in terms of layered navigation if it contains at least one enabled simple black product.
  2. Other filters are not taken into consideration: if for instance you have applied filter Size=XL and there is no enabled XL black product, grouped product will still be counted as black if it has enabled simple black product of other size.
  3. Grouped product are always considered to be in stock. In stock status of simple products is not taken into consideration.
  4. The same rules are true for configurable and bundles, except that configurable products has separate „In Stock“ flag which can be set manually.

The only improvement we added is: if you have configurable item where red one is $10 and green is $20 – Magento layered navigation will show you price filter $0-$10 – this is how default works – shows by minimal price, we modified this part a little so if you pick color green price will show you $0-$20. (it is option and you can enable/disable this functionality).

7 You cannot define a correlation name more than once"

This error happens when there is more than one Layered Navigation on the page (only one can be used). So you need to find it and disable as described here - "How to properly disable modules and extensions in Magento"

It might be also that standard block names are changed in theme. Standard layered navigation name is catalog.leftnav. When installed, our extension hides catalog.leftnav block, and instead adds mana.catalog.leftnav block. If theme uses non-standard names, two layered navigation blocks appeared on a page and by Magento design there can only be one layered navigation block.

To solve this issue:

  1. Find out where layered navigation block is defined in your theme (most often it is in layout/catalog.xml). It should look like below (catalog/layer_view is type of standard Magento layered navigation block):

    <reference name="left">
        <block type="catalog/layer_view" name="catalog.rightnav" />
  2. As you have found it, comment it out:

    <reference name="left">
        <!--<block type="catalog/layer_view" name="catalog.rightnav" />-->
  3. Save and upload the file.

  4. Refresh Magento cache.

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