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Wow, you guys have a great support team. When my layered navigation suddenly developed a bug, you guys found it and fixed it for me in less than 24 ho ... Read more

Jan 25, 2017 Mr. Don President

Certified Magento Enterprise developer Certified Magento developer Certified Magento theme developer Certified Magento specialist

Manadev is certified extension and theme
developer for Magento

Frequently Bought Together

Backup your system

Though this extension does not modify standard Magento files, we strongly recommend to backup your Magento installation before any extension installation or update:

  • Create full copy of your Magento directory files.
  • Create database backup, use command:
mysqldump -u <db user from app/etc/local.xml> -h localhost "-p<db password from app/etc/local.xml>" <db name from app/etc/local.xml> backup.sql

Extract and Copy

In case you use Magento compilation feature, please open menu System -> Tools -> Compilation. In Compilation page, press Disable button.

On your computer, extract ZIP file in a directory where Magento is installed. Extract files directly, without creating separate directory with the name of ZIP file.

In case you would like to install this on your remotely hosted server, extract downloaded ZIP file in a temporary directory and upload all the extracted files directly to the remote directory where Magento is installed.


  • Log in to Magento Admin Panel. If already logged in, please log out and log in anew.
  • Open menu System -> Cache Management. In Cache Storage Management page, select all cache types and apply Refresh action to all of them. Disabled cache types do not need to be refreshed.
  • If previously used, enable Magento compilation feature back using menu System -> Tools -> Compilation, buttons Enable and Run Compilation Process.
  • That's it, done.


Before use please review the following:

  • Admin Panel System -> Manadev -> Product Lists for global configuration.
  • Admin Panel Catalog -> Manage Products -> Your Product -> Bought Together tab for adding products.

Once products added to Bought Together tab, Frequently Bought Together block should appear on Product page in frontend. If it doesn't appear (it depends on your theme) add it manually:

  • Open app/design/frontend/your-theme-package/your-theme/template/catalog/product/view.phtml file
  • Add the following code just below form closing tag </form>:
<?php echo $this->getChildHtml('m_also_bought') ?>

For Magento 1.9 RWD Theme

Frequently Bought Together Products by default are added as additional tab in additional information section.

Frequently Bought Together extension in Magento RWD Theme

If you want to show Frequently Bought Together Products above tabs section, following little customization is needed:

  • Copy app/design/frontend/base/default/layout/manapro_productplusproduct.xml file to app/design/frontend/your-theme-package/your-theme/layout/manapro_productplusproduct.xml and open to edit and remove line <action method="addToParentGroup"><group>detailed_info</group></action>.
  • Open app/design/frontend/your-theme-package/your-theme/template/catalog/product/view.phtml file and add the following code just below form closing tag </form>:

    <?php echo $this->getChildHtml('m_also_bought') ?>

Add Frequently Bought Together block code

  • Refresh cache and now you should get Frequently Bought Together Products block on your product page above additional tabs section.

Frequently Bought Together block on Magento RWD


Products Are Duplicated When Adding To Cart

There can be situation, when button for adding all bundled items shows double quantity of items to buy and price is shown for double quantity.

Products Are Duplicated When Adding To Cart

The reason behind is that Frequently Bought Together block is included twice in the page. Page content can be carefully examined, to be sure, that Frequently Bought Together block is included only once.

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