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- MANADEV is the best, excellent support (5-Star)

Aug 22, 2012 Absolutex

Certified Magento Enterprise developer Certified Magento developer Certified Magento theme developer Certified Magento specialist

Manadev is certified extension and theme
developer for Magento

Extension Features

Extension adds expand - collapse functionality to long lists in standard Magento Layered Navigation.

Main features:

  • Expand - collapse for long lists in Magento Layered Navigation
  • Multiple Select Text functionality for Magento Layered Navigation
  • Session tracking, remembers selected filters on Back button
  • You can use layered navigation on home page or any other CMS page..
  • Show/Hide filters for any category.
  • Possibility to have different filter labels for every category.
  • Full Magento Enterprise Edition SOLR support.
  • Full Magento Enterprise Edition Full Page Cache support.
  • Customize for each filter individually from Admin Panel
  • Customize for each Store View individually from Admin Panel

Expand - Collapse for Magento Layered Navigation

You can easily combine this extension with other MANAdev Layered Navigation extensions such as SEO, Ajax, Price Slider, Show Less / Sow More and many more (existing, new and counting).

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