Important. We are closed. Due to decreased amount of time available, we don't accept new orders and we don't provide support for existing ones.

The support is very fast and helpful.
I have buy a lot of extension but most of the time the support is slow or not at all, but by them not.
I can r ... Read more

Apr 9, 2013 Apple

Certified Magento Enterprise developer Certified Magento developer Certified Magento theme developer Certified Magento specialist

Manadev is certified extension and theme
developer for Magento

Extension Features

This extension extends layered navigation with color and image filters and multiple selection. Main features:

  • Assign a color to each filter value.
  • Assign an image to individual filter values
  • Assign modified image for mouse over, selected and mini states.
  • Apply additional image masks over all filter values.
  • Customize image mask for mouse over, selected and mini states.
  • Flow values in frontend horizontally or vertically.
  • Multiple select filters
  • Customize for each filter individually from Admin Panel
  • Customize for each Store View individually from Admin Panel

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